Santa Cruz demo days - April 2019
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- By Si
- Posted in demo day, grenoside, peak district, santa cruz
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For our first Santa Cruz demo day of 2019, the lovely folks at Jungle have offered the demo fleet for the whole weekend - so make that demo days instead!
On April 6th and 7th, we have access to the full Santa Cruz and Juliana demo fleet, so we're taking bookings now to make sure we match people to the right bikes.
Saturday April 6th
On the Saturday, we're running demo rides from the shop at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. We'll head out for a loop of the valley for 1 - 1/2 hours each time. Come on 2 or 3 rides as the perfect chance to compare sizes or bike models.
Sunday April 7th
On the Sunday, we're switching things up a little bit and heading to Sheffield to run a demo day at Greno woods. Sheffield Wildlife Trust are kindly allowing us to use the car park and trails there, just for something a bit different to the trails local to the shop. We'll follow a similar timetable to the Saturday, but not as guided rides this time.
There's no charge for either demo day, we're asking for donations to the Edale Mountain Rescue, Peak District MTB and Ride Sheffield tins on the counter - and Sheffield Wildlife Trust on the Sunday of course!
Booking is essential, so please email or phone with your requests for bike, size and ride day/time. We'll do all we can to get everyone on the bike(s) they want to test out!
Oh, yes - we'll have demo Megatowers there!
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